Special initiatives – 2023 edition

MECSPE HEART SHOW – Energy transition and sustainable mobility

Cuore Mostra of the 2023 edition, the main initiative of Mecspe, is tinged of green with the aim of highlighting what is happening in the energy transition, which we are experiencing today and which has, as its natural response, a type of mobility that tends and will tend increasingly towards sustainability.

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Aluminium Energy Summit

Within the Heart Show, during the third day of the event, the Aluminum Energy Summit will address issues related to the possible future of primary metal production and the conservation of energy content through recovery and recycling.

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Born in March 1912, over these one hundred years, ANFIA mission has always been to represent the interests of its associate members and ensure effective communication between the Italian motor vehicle industries on the one hand, and the Public Administration and Italian political bodies on the other, with regard to all technical, economic, fiscal, legal, statistical and quality-related issues referred to the automotive sector.

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Arena Additive Manufacturing

Spazio convegni progettato per valorizzare al meglio le nuove tecnologie additive, le concrete applicazioni dei prodotti e l’uso di attrezzature attraverso il racconto di progetti reali, presentazioni tecniche, case history di eccellenza e interventi istituzionali.

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A.I.F.M Area of Finishes

Created for the purpose of presenting A.I.F.M. member companies operating in the field of galvanic processing, and surface treatment.

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Area Assogalvanica

ASSOGALVANICA is an association of galvanic businessmen, most of whom run micro and small enterprises, who are confronted with safety issues on a daily basis and are aware of the risks they run.

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Area Canavese Inside

Officially the first business network in Ivrea and Canavese.
The Canavese today, strengthened by the repository of knowledge and indelible traces left by Olivetti, has been transformed by small and medium-sized enterprises in important sectors such as hot stamping, electronics, mechanics, mechatronics, information technology, logistics, and automotive.

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Area Competence Center

The area allows for matching between the MECSPE community – exhibitors and visitors to the event – and the Competence Centers and Digital Innovation Hubs that will be able to showcase guidance, training and innovative projects in Industry 4.0.

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Area Cluster MESAP

MESAP is the innovation cluster for Smart Products and Smart Manufacturing of the Piedmont Region.

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CNA Produzione

With over 70 years of presence in the representation of craft enterprises and SMEs in the territory, CNA National Confederation of Crafts, has over 622,000 members who employ over 1.2 million people. CNA represents the largest association of representation distributed in the territory.

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CDO Networking Business Area

Cdo is an association that aims to support entrepreneurs, nonprofit entities, managers and professionals in the development of businesses and professional activities in an orientation for the good of all.

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Changing the production model as a response to a technological transformation

Inside the Heart Show, in parallel with the demonstration area, the Italian-German Forum comes to life in this 21st edition of MECSPE, a path dedicated to the automotive industry and the great changes it will have to face by 2035, in order to prepare and support the entire supply chain for this great innovation.

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Green Plastix Arena

Environmental compatibility, resource conservation and waste reduction are issues that have accelerated in this period. The plastics and rubber industry is ready to show itself to the world as part of the solution rather than the cause of the problem.

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MECSPE Young&Career

Young&Career project returns to Mecspe 2023, a matching place between demand and offer for professional opportunities in the manufacturing industry, for highly specialised figures, often difficult for entrepreneurs to recruit.

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ECOfriendly path – “I do more”

A virtual and real journey among MECSPE exhibitors who adopt a green and ecofriendly policy in their business strategies, distinguishing themselves by paying special attention to the environment.

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Piazza Progettazione e Design by Materioteca

A galaxy of plastic transparencies on show at Mecspe 2023 in the themed space that Materioteca® is running for the 12th consecutive year.

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Area System Integrator

MECSPE focuses on synergy and close cooperation between robot manufacturers and system integrators

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The Mechatronics and Advanced manufacturing Clust-ER (Clust-ER MECH) is an association of over 130 companies, research centres and training bodies, to support competitiveness and innovation in the advanced manufacturing sector.

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TMP Square

The Piazza wants to give members and visitors a signal of strong will and confidence in the sector’s chances of recovery from the perspective of sustainable and environmentally friendly production and use of plastics.

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Metef International Innovation Award

A contest organized by Metef, consolidated for over a decade to enhance innovations in plants, technologies, products, applications and more in aluminium and its alloys offered by the companies of aluminium sector.

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Simulation Summit

The SIMULATION SUMMIT is the first independent Italian conference on CAE Simulation in industry, created with the aim of promoting Engineering Simulation and its informed and effective use.

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Solution Award

Anche quest’anno la fiera MECSPE propone il Solution Award, premio per l’innovazione nella robotica. Aziende che operano a vario titolo nel settore della robotica e dell’automazione si contenderanno il prestigioso riconoscimento. Il Comitato Tecnico Scientifico valuterà l’eccellenza dell’idea innovativa e l’alto impatto dell’applicazione per selezionare la proposta vincitrice del premio, che sarà presentata il 30 Marzo 2023 nel corso della fiera MECSPE a Bologna Fiere. Il premio costituisce un’ottima occasione messa a disposizione delle aziende per far conoscere la loro eccellenza progettuale e realizzativa nel campo della robotica. Scopri come candidarti!

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Start Up Factory

MECSPE is alongside small and micro enterprises with the Start Up Factory project, which provides an opportunity to introduce themselves to a wide audience from the manufacturing industry.

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AIDAM Village

The AIdAM Village will represent, within MECSPE, a highly innovative technological area representing the Italian mechatronics sector, second in the world ranking of the sector.

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Also confirmed in this edition is the presence of the Ascomut Association, Machine Technology and Tools.

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Villaggio Confartigianato

Confartigianato Imprese is the largest European network that represents these people’s interests and provides them with services. Established in 1946, Confartigianato accompanies companies as they evolve, combining traditional ancient trades and innovative activities using advanced technologies.

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Associazioni – Distretti tecnologici

Anche quest’anno la fiera sarà arricchita dalla presenza di Associazioni e Distretti Tecnologici provenienti da tutta Italia […]
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