Aluminium Energy Summit – 2nd EDIZIONE
Within MECSPE LAB – Innovation Space, during the third day of the event, the Aluminum Energy Summit will present concrete contributions and technological solutions that the aluminum industry can activate to achieve circular economy and decarbonization goals.
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Area Competence Center
The area allows for matching between the MECSPE community – exhibitors and visitors to the event – and the Competence Centers that will be able to showcase guidance, training and innovative projects in Industry 4.0.
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ITALIAN-GERMAN FORUM 2035 AND THE AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY CHAIN: Changing the production model as a response to a technological transformation
Inside MECSPE LAB – Innovation Area, in parallel with the demonstration area, the Italian-German Forum comes to life in this 22nd edition of MECSPE, a path dedicated to the automotive industry and the great changes it will have to face by 2035, in order to prepare and support the entire supply chain for this great innovation.
MECSPE LAB – Innovation Area
For each edition MECSPE organizes an Innovation Area, a special initiative aimed at anticipating market trends and disseminating innovative contents, through the creation of demonstration production chains, round tables, speeches and moments of discussion, created with the collaboration of partners, exhibitors of the event and technical sponsors of the initiative.
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MECSPE Young & Career
MECSPE Young & Career is a pathway created with the aim of offering young visitors (students, new graduates, recent graduates) the opportunity to participate in the training events organized by Tecniche Nuove Group and the exhibitors of the Event, to get in touch with companies active in the theme of orientation and training and to apply for job opportunities offered by the exhibitors.
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MECSPE Sustainability Pathway
A virtual and real journey among MECSPE exhibitors who adopt a green and ecofriendly policy in their business strategies, distinguishing themselves by paying special attention to the environment.
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Piazza MECH by Clust-ER MECH
The Mechatronics and Advanced manufacturing Clust-ER (Clust-ER MECH) is an association of over 130 companies, research centres and training bodies, to support competitiveness and innovation in the advanced manufacturing sector.
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Piazza Progettazione e Design by MATERIOTECA
Materioteca® aims to conduct a survey among Italian producers of luxury materials and to host some of them on the Mecspe 2024 stand.
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Piazza TMP
The Piazza wants to give members and visitors a signal of strong will and confidence in the sector’s chances of recovery from the perspective of sustainable and environmentally friendly production and use of plastics.
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Mold Square
With this square, MECSPE highlights the close synergy between international companies and university students, who have collaborated to create an object made of polymers from renewable sources that will be produced and distributed at the fair.
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Simulation Summit
The SIMULATION SUMMIT is the first independent Italian conference on CAE Simulation in industry, created with the aim of promoting Engineering Simulation and its informed and effective use.
Solution Award
MECSPE is offering the Solution Award, a prize for innovation in robotics. Companies that operate in various capacities in the robotics and automation sector will compete for the prestigious recognition. The Scientific Technical Committee will evaluate the excellence of the innovative idea and the high impact of the application to select the winning proposal of the award, which will be presented on 7 March 2024 during the MECSPE fair at Bologna Fiere. The award constitutes an excellent opportunity made available to companies to make known their design and manufacturing excellence in the field of robotics. Find out how to apply!
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Start Up Factory
MECSPE is alongside small and micro enterprises with the Start Up Factory project, which provides an opportunity to introduce themselves to a wide audience from the manufacturing industry.
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Villaggio AIDAM
The AIdAM Village will represent, within MECSPE, a highly innovative technological area representing the Italian mechatronics sector, second in the world ranking of the sector.
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Villaggio ASCOMUT
Also confirmed in this edition is the presence of the Ascomut Association, Machine Technology and Tools.
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Villaggio Confartigianato
Confartigianato Imprese is the largest European network that represents these people’s interests and provides them with services. Established in 1946, Confartigianato accompanies companies as they evolve, combining traditional ancient trades and innovative activities using advanced technologies.
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Districts and Associations
Born in March 1912, over these one hundred years, ANFIA mission has always been to represent the interests of its associate members and ensure effective communication between the Italian motor vehicle industries on the one hand, and the Public Administration and Italian political bodies on the other, with regard to all technical, economic, fiscal, legal, statistical and quality-related issues referred to the automotive sector.
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Area CNA Produzione Nazionale
With over 70 years of presence in the representation of craft enterprises and SMEs in the territory, CNA National Confederation of Crafts, has over 622,000 members who employ over 1.2 million people. CNA represents the largest association of representation distributed in the territory.
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Rete Ufficio Estero
Ufficio Rete Estero offers companies a service for researching and developing potential contacts in order to identify new markets, new sectors and above all new customers in foreign markets.
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Unionmeccanica Confapi
Unionmeccanica-Confapi is the association of small and medium-sized industrial and manufacturing companies in the metalworking sector, distributed throughout the country and involving more than 420,000 workers. The association has about 40,000 members
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