4.0 sustainability
Sustainability 1.0 as a concept emerged in the late Seventies, when the Club of Rome dealt in depth with the limits of our planet’s resources for the very first time.
It took almost twenty years to achieve the first official definition – by the UN – of what sustainability is about.
Years later, European lawmakers decreed that every manufacturer must be responsible for the impact of their products, including recycling them. The first of the European directives affecting the real economy was the 1994 one on the recycling of packaging, followed by the one on recycling electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in 2003, with other similar directives, albeit having less of an impact. That’s how we got to sustainability 3.0, according to which the manufacturer’s responsibility is set by law.
Stage 4.0, where the green economy becomes financially as well as environmentally viable, has just begin.
Materioteca® in the Planning and Design Piazza will showcase a set of cutting-edge items and materials that exist and prosper beyond the obligations of the law.
Circular economy products designed for packaging, construction, furnishings, new bio-based materials and items, unusual applications that reduce environmental impact, new services that make it easier to close cycles, materials obtained by fermentation processes and many other innovations in bio-cycles and techno-cycles.
The stand will host Resinex, a company of the Ravago group, which on the whole – among its own, recycled products, polymers and compounds for 1 million tonnes annual production capacity, and those it distributes – places more than four million tonnes on worldwide markets each year. In their “corner” you will be able to see bio-based products – such as an incredibly sturdy polyamide – and others originating from recycling. The other guest will be Microplast, which designs and moulds lower environmental impact items.
You will be able to gain first-hand experiences of these businesses, as well as interact with industry experts who will be on hand to answer visitors’ questions on the items, on the materials and, more generally, on economic-environmental sustainability.

The partnership with Materioteca®
For the ninth year in a row, Materioteca® will manage the Planning and Design Square on 22-24 March 2018, as part of MECSPE 2018 in Parma, and its theme will be sustainability 4.0.
As usual, the stand will display an extensive collection of new-generation manufactured products and materials: circular economy products, new bio-based materials, unusual applications that reduce environmental impact, new services that make it easier to close cycles, materials obtained by fermentation processes and many other new innovations.
In the previous edition, MECSPE was held in an exhibition area of 105,000 m2, with over 2,000 companies taking part in it. The 45,000+ visitors of the 2017 edition were able to learn about and update themselves on topics of interest, thanks to the extensive calendar of 72 conferences and workshops and the demonstration areas, just like ours.
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