A virtual and real path among the exhibitors of MECSPE that in their business strategies adopt a green and ecofriendly policy, distinguishing themselves for a particular attention to the environment.
According to the MECSPE Observatory, sustainability today has taken on a strategic role in company choices: 34% declares to have increased its commitment in this direction in the last few years, 32% is aware of the importance and intends to take care of this aspect in the future. 15% consider it a strategic competitive factor to distinguish themselves on the market, especially in relations with foreign countries, and are also committed to communicating it, but there is still a considerable percentage of those who believe it is a marginal factor and only do what is required by law (19%).
With a view to 360-degree attention and sustainability, MECSPE, in collaboration with Tecniche Nuove, wants to reward sustainable companies, through the creation of the “MECSPE ECOFRIENDLY Io faccio di più” (MECSPE ECOFRIENDLY I do more) path, that highlights the companies that stand out for their green and ecofriendly attitude.
These companies:
• have reorganised their production processes with a view to sustainability
• produce/market post-consumer or post-industrial recycled materials or manufacture products with these materials;
• produce or market ‘bio’ materials (i.e. derived from renewable sources) or produce artefacts with such materials;