From AI to Factory: simplifying processes with real-world examples
“From simulation to reality: how Digital Twin and AI transform manufacturing”
“From simulation to reality: how Digital Twin and AI transform manufacturing”
What role do Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Digital Twin play as enabling technologies in manufacturing industry?
These are complementary technologies that are transforming processes, allowing companies to operate more efficiently, competitively and sustainably. Integrating these technologies creates a virtuous cycle of continuous improvement, based on data analysis and machine learning.
AI and Digital Twin experts will give concrete examples of the impact on processes, organization and the emerging new way of working.
Conference organized by
Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, is an expert in risk assessment and structural health monitoring (SHM). He integrates advanced algorithms, machine learning and physical models to optimize reliability and design in mechanical and aerospace systems.
Artificial Intelligence popularizer, founded together with Pasquale Viscanti “IA Spiegata Semplice” the largest Italian community – and eponymous podcast – on the theme of Artificial Intelligence dedicated to entrepreneurs and managers.
Writes about AI on a blog and is involved in training CEOs and management of companies on generative AI. He is the author of the book “Assumere un’Intelligenza Artificiale in azienda” published by Tecniche Nuove
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