Hall 26 - A01
Confartigianato is the largest European network representing interests and providing services to craft enterprises and micro and small businesses.
Confartigianato Meccanica is part of the Confartigianato system which, alongside craftsmen and small entrepreneurs, with the activities of 104 Territorial Associations and 21 Regional Federations, accompanies the evolution of enterprises in which tradition of ancient professions and innovation of activities coexist with the use of cutting-edge technologies.
Tradition and technology, experience and innovation: this is the recipe for success of products that come out of the craft companies of mechanics.
Objects of common use and masterpieces of high engineering, all bear the signature of the quality of manufacture Made in Italy.
The collective participation with Il Villaggio Confartigianato, Hall 26, allows to initiate contacts and comparisons with potential buyers, Italian and foreign, that Mecspe is able to attract every year. Moreover, the Village becomes a strategic place for networking activities, which are essential to create and strengthen professional links.