The acceleration of the process that will make Italy’s companies upgrade to industry 4.0 confirmed by Accenture – according to which, over € 14 billion were invested in “digital enablers” in 2017 – is pushing industry players in wanting to make the point about the future of Smart Manufacturing technologies, the state of the art and future perspectives of this industry, and sharing views and ideas to discover new trends and opportunities.
In view of the next edition of MECSPE (Fiere di Parma, from 28 to 30 March 2019) – the trade fair dedicated to innovation technologies that has grown over the years, becoming a catalyst of positive energy for the manufacturing industry – Senaf is collecting evidence from Italian entrepreneurs to examine the projects of some of the companies that are taking the path to 4.0 industry, starting from Brescia (Lombardy). This city perfectly represents Italy’s manufacturing industry, as it boosts one of the most active university hubs in supporting the future of manufacturing companies. The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of the University of Brescia includes the RISE – Research and Innovation for Smart Enterprises – laboratory, which specialises in research and the transfer of expertise and know-how.
Numerous companies from the Brescia area have started preliminary and feasibility studies to verify the potential benefits of technological solutions related to the world of industry 4.0, such as Gnutti Transfer, the company specialising in transfer machines. According to Gnutti Transfer, digitisation is the relationship between machine and software, which digitally configures the relationship between the operator and the transfer machine, thus promoting connectivity between operators, machines, and other tools involved in the production process. All Gnutti Transfer machines are provided with HMI (trFace and iGn) software, which allows the company’s customers to fully manage production, troubleshooting, preventive and scheduled maintenance, etc. The data and sensors managed by the Gnutti Transfer 4.0 industry package will help manage any type of problem or requirement in a Digital Factory, as well as monitor the machines’ production processes.
Another future-oriented company from the Brescia area is Feralpi Group, which focuses on Digital Factory. Feralpi Group has launched the E-Farmer project with the support of RISE Laboratory. The aim of this project is to identify, select, and train a group of future-oriented young people so as to integrate them into a business environment. These young talents are expected to bring digital expertise into the company, creating a community that drives the company to become a smart enterprise.
G2 DI GHIOLDI SRL – a company based in the Varese area – is another excellent example. This company operates in the automation industry and has participated in the Cento4.0 initiative that aims at identifying and mapping advanced manufacturing companies in Lombardy. This initiative was promoted by AFIL. Thanks to new wireless technologies and in line with the opportunities provided by industry 4.0, G2 DI GHIOLDI SRL has fine-tuned Iotly®, a cloud-based platform to control systems remotely. This platform allows the collection of data related to production, energy consumption, predictive maintenance, and any other action that can help improve the efficiency of the systems and corporate processes, and create value for the company. In particular, the Iotly® platform is positioned at a level between MES (Manufacturing Execution System) and production resources. It works in parallel with production software and ensures immediate and constant support. This means immediate data recovery, data granularity, interoperability with different field protocols, and the possibility of a direct interface with ERP or via MES.
Stories that tell about companies and an ongoing transformation, which enhance the fertility of this region. That’s why the talk shows of the “DIGITAL FACTORY, the Italian way for industry 4.0” – the itinerant events promoted by Senaf across Italy’s strategic areas – will resume from Brescia. The event will take place on 21 September at Brixia Forum within the InnovA event – the convention dedicated to steel industry innovation, with a special focus on general mechanics. It will be an opportunity to learn more about the projects of a few successful companies through the players of this industry. Moreover, the MECSPE Observatory will present the data concerning present and future economic trends of Lombard SMEs operating in the specialised mechanical, material, and mechatronics world.
Machines and tools – machine tools, tool and equipment; Digital Factory – information technologies for intelligent factory management; Motek Italy – factory automation; Power Drive – Systems- Parts – Mechatronics; Control Italy – metrology and quality control; Logistics – systems for logistic management, machines and equipment; Mechanical Subcontracting – subcontracting of industrial processing; Electronic Subcontracting – design, electronic processing, parts and accessories; Eurostampi, Machines and plastic subcontracting – moulds and moulding; the processing of plastic materials from rubber and composites; Additive Manufacturing – rapid prototyping and 3D printing; Processing and Finishing – machines and installations for processing and finishing of surfaces; Non-ferrous materials and alloys – aluminium, titanium, magnesium.
Paola Gianderico – Davide Bruzzese
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