MECSPE 2018 news: the relaunch of the Italian system is present at the main mechanics event

Milan, December 2017 – The next edition of MECSPE is approaching, the event of the manufacturing sector 4.0 promoted by Senaf (Fiere di Parma, from 22 to 24 March 2018), represents a fundamental reference point for industry 4.0 makers in Italy. The excellence of technology applied to the industry is the leitmotiv that accompanies the 17th edition of the main event on 4.0, which, year after year, records growth and that last March saw the participation of over 45K visitors and delegations of foreign buyers from Russia, Brazil and the United States, just to name a few countries.
The next event is just around the corner and is expected to be even richer and more interesting than the 2017 “record” edition, thanks also to the favourable winds that blow on the Italian industry and the satisfaction of companies, which have seen the Calenda plan essentially also confirmed for 2018. The positive trends that the mechanics industry is experiencing is driven not only by data coming from GDP, with a variation in the Gross Domestic Product for 2017 equal to +1.5% (ISTAT data – Italian National Institute for Statistics), but also by authoritative studies, such as that of Mediobanca and Unioncamere entitled “Twenty years of medium-sized businesses: what has been, what could have been, what will be”, according to which, it is precisely the SMEs that act as drivers for the Italian economic system, with technologies like Industry 4.0 and additive manufacturing that are profoundly reconstructing the boundaries of the industry and its potentialities.
Among the most important events set to be yet another successful edition for MESCPE is, “Digital factory 4.0“, the real “heart” of the exhibition where the key innovations of all the product categories present at the fair will converge: in fact, in a single pavilion (South Entrance), the systems and innovations regarding digital integration will be presented and discussed, contributing to designing the industry of tomorrow, showing the decisive role of enabling technologies 4.0 in the various application contexts and sectors.
The guidelines for the 2018 edition of “Digital Factory 4.0“, on which the supply chains will be included and developed, are:
- Connectivity: tools for small businesses
- Collaborative robotics in a parametrised and/or small batch production environment
- Product development, with the aim of proposing a 4.0 methodology
- Simulation of products and processes
- Traceability of products and actions
- Maintenance in all its aspects
- Additive manufacturing: redesign and produce for lightening
- Logistics 4.0
Among the supply chains featured in the area, many are specifically dedicated to the world of mechanics, removal, machine data analysis and predictive maintenance; in fact, of the eight supply chains set up in the pavilion, four are representative of the machine tools world. Among these, a holistic factory project deserves a visit, involving over 15 companies and which aims to represent the manufacturing factory of the future, from machining to assembly, as a place where machines, automation and the logic of 4.0 are in balance with the centrality that man and his deepest characteristics must maintain.
Great attention will then be paid to “Smart Manufacturing”, showing two different design techniques through the production of a single piece for the motorsport industry: traditional mechanical design and generative design combined with additive metal processing.
However, MECSPE goes beyond the Parma event: after the success in Modena and Brescia, the Italian alternative to the industry 4.0 model will continue with 2 new legs of the “DIGITAL FACTORY MECSPE LABORATORIES, the Italian way for Industry 4.0“: in Naples, on 5 February, in which “Materials, Composites and Aerospace” will be discussed, and at the closing leg during MECSPE, scheduled for 22 March, following the inauguration, which will address the central role that man, with his uniqueness and prerogatives, must continue to maintain in a digitalised world.
I numeri di MECSPE 2017
45.817 visitatori, 105.000 mq di superficie espositiva, 2.051 aziende presenti, 10 Piazze dell’eccellenza, 58 Unità dimostrative e isole di lavorazione, 7 quartieri merceologici, 11 saloni tematici, 75 momenti formativi organizzati da aziende, università e associazioni.
I saloni di MECSPE
Macchine e Utensili – macchine utensili, utensili e attrezzature; Fabbrica Digitale – tecnologie informatiche per la gestione di una fabbrica intelligente; Motek Italy – automazione di fabbrica; Power Drive – Sistemi – Componenti – Meccatronica; Control Italy – metrologia e controllo qualità; Logistica – sistemi per la gestione della logistica, macchine e attrezzature; Subfornitura Meccanica – lavorazioni industriali in conto terzi; Subfornitura Elettronica – progettazione, lavorazioni elettroniche e componenti e accessori; Eurostampi, Macchine e subfornitura plastica – stampi e stampaggio; lavorazioni delle materie plastiche e della gomma; Additive Manufacturing – rapid prototiping e 3D printing; Trattamenti Superficiali – macchine e impianti per il trattamento e la finitura delle superfici; Nuovo salone dei materiali non ferrosi e leghe – alluminio, titanio, magnesio, compositi e tecnologie.
Per ulteriori informazioni
Paola Gianderico – Davide Bruzzese
cel_ 331-7623732
tel_ 02-54123452 fax_ 02-54090230
e-mail paola.gianderico@mypr.it – davide.bruzzese@mypr.it