MECSPE: a virtuous trade fair model that demonstrates the excellence of Made in Italy manufacturing, focusing on training and sustainability

The Fiere di Parma meeting is fast approaching, held 28 to 30 March 2019,
an unmissable opportunity for companies and young people who want to discuss
innovation and Industry 4.0, while taking a close look at the Factory of the Future
Milan, February 2019 – Training, youth and sustainability are key words for the future of the manufacturing industry, which is currently preparing to overcome the challenge of competitiveness. These increasingly popular topics among entrepreneurs are at the heart of MECSPE, the very place of innovation and reference to the Italian and international Industrial Plan 4.0 promoted by Senaf, who will offer the most complete and updated overview of leading market trends at the next edition of the Fiere di Parma, 28 to 30 March.
Ever attentive to the subject of training, MECSPE is also planning a rich calendar of initiatives and conferences in the 2019 edition aimed at bringing together culture and applied knowledge, as well as satisfying the need for technical skills that is urgently expressed by companies. Nowadays, the lack of attractiveness that the manufacturing industry exerts on young people looking for a job is one of the most urgent issues expressed by the Italian manufacturing sector, regarding which MECSPE is trying to provide concrete answers.
Aimed at creating a bridge between industry and youth and stimulating the meeting between labour supply and demand, the new “MECSPE Young & Career” area (outdoor area n. 30, outside hall 2) is a space devoted entirely to bringing together exhibiting companies engaged in the research and selection of specialised personnel with young graduates from vocational schools, technical institutes, higher technical institutes, universities, post-university masters. Among the main profiles sought by companies at the fair, as revealed by Senaf, were technical and professional graduates in the mechanical and electronics sectors, graduates in mechanical engineering, mechatronics, computer science and electronics, as well as CAD-CAM programmers, hardware and software designers, and graduates of languages, economics and marketing.
With a focus on “Mankind at the heart of the Digital Factory”, the opening day of the fair will host the final stage of the 2018/2019 roadmap “MECSPE Digital Factory Laboratories, the Italian way to industry 4.0”, organized by Senaf, who will provide testimonies from entrepreneurs and opinion leaders alike, as well as a talk on the competitive future of Made in Italy manufacturing and the changing the role of man within the important transformation process that is taking place in factories. We will present the national data of the last MECSPE Observatory at the Laboratory, with economic and forecast analyses of Italian manufacturing SMEs and a cross-section of Emilia-Romagna.
In order to bring together the two areas of Italian excellence, namely university research and the world of contract work, MECSPE aims to create a bridge between these two sectors by adding yet another example of its commitment to the world of training through the collaboration of ANFIA– National Association of Automotive Industry Chain – and Dallara Automobili who will showcase the Formula SAE initiative – Society of Automotive Engineering – at the fair, an international competition in which students and recent graduates of engineering faculties challenge each other in the design, construction and track testing of prototype single-seater cars, thus giving a voice to young people, to their projects and to those who contribute to the implementation.
The birth of the Motorvehicle University of Emilia-Romagna (Muner) has always been the spearhead of the relationship between Dallara Automobili and the universities. Muner is the highly anticipated association by the Emilia-Romagna Region that was created thanks to the synergistic link between universities that are famous for higher education – University of Bologna, University of Ferrara, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, University of Parma – and motor companies that represent the excellence of Made in Italy worldwide and whose historical roots are found in Italy: Dallara, Automobili Lamborghini, Ducati, Ferrari, Haas F1, HPE, Magneti Marelli, Maserati, Pagani and Toro Rosso. Muner intends to attract the best university students from all over the world with the aim of training the engineers of tomorrow, the professionals who will design road and competition vehicles, sustainable propulsion systems and subsystems for intelligent functionalities and production facilities with Industry 4.0 in mind.
The partnership between MECSPE and the Italian CNOS-FAP Federation – National Centre for Salesian Works / Professional Development Training – also continues and will actively involve its young people in orientation and dissemination activities. And just like every year, there will be plenty of activities and in-depth examinations organised by Confartigianato, who is attending MECSPE for the fourth year in a row and will host the Race Up team of the University of Padua in its exhibition area (Hall 7 stand D 107) . Race Up is a project model of collaboration between the academic world and the world of work that has been on the go for 13 years and involves university students from different disciplines in the development and implementation of two single-seater vehicles, one electric and one combustion, from absolute scratch. From planning to “getting on the road”, MECSPE will give you the opportunity to understand how the idea came about and how the two single-seater project improves year by year, also thanks to the collaboration of local companies that provide materials and skills useful to students.
Attention to training is also one of the main topics the Tecniche Nuove Group, of which Senaf is part, is particularly sensitive to, so much so that it founded the Accademia Tecniche Nuove in 2015 to develop innovative training and refresher projects aimed at increasing the skills of both individuals and businesses.
The training offered by the Tecniche Nuove Group consists of training and continuous professional development courses, of any grade and level, for all professional categories.
At MECSPE, Tecniche Nuove will coordinate various meetings, such as the round table on training for the new manufacturing industry on 28 March that will compare companies, institutions, representatives of the various trade associations and the academic world with Higher Technical Colleges. There are countless MECSPE exhibitors who are increasingly attentive to the development of a network logic within the world of schools, universities, training institutions and public administration, for example through the establishment of their own Academy or through partnerships with the various training institutions. Companies to be mentioned in this regard are Arcoplex, Bosch, Comau, Dmg Mori, Fanuc, Heidenhain, Kuka, Meusburger, Siemens and many others, who choose MECSPE as an indispensable showcase to present all their training activities.
With the aim of stimulating the growth of young people in the plastics sector, TMP, the Italian Association of Plastic Materials Technicians, which celebrates its 40th anniversary, will present the “TMP Degree Award” on March 29 as part of the “Training meets the company” event to the 3 best degree theses submitted by young graduates who have developed and deepened issues such as the synthesis of polymers, the design and planning of new applications, the recycling of end-of-life products, and sustainability/circularity of the production chain.
In Hall 6, Materioteca® will address the topic of sustainability of materials, developing the theme of turnover ecology, or rather how to grow companies through environmental protection. As usual, the area will feature a large collection of next generation products and materials, and descriptions of the latest technologies and services: examples of circular economy, waste materials, services that facilitate the closure of the cycles, value chains that improve environmental impacts, and countless other innovations, including the 3D printing of recycled materials. Industry experts will guide visitors.
Sustainability and training is also the common denominator behind the research “Spaces of work 4.0: mankind at the heart of the factory“, created by the Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano, following an agreement signed a year ago with Senaf, during the MECSPE 2018 edition. The research project, which will be presented at MECSPE on the second day, looks at the state of the art of industry 4.0 in Italy and outlines the guidelines for the design of new sustainable production spaces, in which spatial solutions and services that offer a welcoming and stimulating work dimension for a new category of workers are integrated.
This year, MECSPE will also hold numerous appointments and workshops to discuss the issues of sustainability, green economy and the main trends in the sector, from circular economy to energy efficiency, from the reduction of packaging and waste to the transformation of waste into resources, from the recovery and reuse of materials to the production of bio-based products and new materials with lower environmental impact.
Also worth a mention is “e-Waste 4.0. Circular economy between bureaucratic traps and environmental benefits: how to manage, treat and transform industrial waste into resources” scheduled for 28th March and run by the PCB Magazine, in which some experts, starting from the regulatory fabric, will illustrate the various degrees of recycling and disposal activities and modern management systems based on the most advanced IT concepts and technologies. The talk will cover the management of electronic waste, right up to metal and plastic processing waste, while offering a potentially expansive panorama to any industrial sector represented at the MECSPE fair.
Focus on the issue of sustainability is also demonstrated through MECSPE’s choice to enter a cutting-edge trade fair, which has always been committed to initiatives aimed at protecting and respecting the environment. With the aim of making its own contribution to improving environmental and air quality, Fiere di Parma will participate in the “urban reforestation” project dubbed “KM Verde” which involves the construction of 11 kilometres along the main motorway of “forest”, made up of 22,000 new anti-smog trees and shrubs. Another interesting project that is soon to be completed is “Il Quartiere”, a new rest and entertainment area dedicated to tourism and open-air activities which integrates nicely with the Fiere di Parma theme. In particular, this area will be designed to respect the criteria of biological and landscape continuity with the surrounding area. Finally, more than 50,000 square metres of photovoltaic panels on the exhibition hall rooves (creating 7 MW of power) is what makes the Fiere di Parma one of the greenest districts in Italy and across Europe.
Many businesses can meet MECSPE, putting them in contact with industry experts who will be available to visitors to respond to all the latest products, materials and production techniques of the latest generation in response to the logic of sustainability 4.0. The companies to be mentioned due to being particularly innovative in environmental field and committed to continuous improvement for the reduction of environmental impact include AD COMPOUND, CAPP PLAST, CPS_ICE, EPSAN, FANUC, FASE, FMV, FRANPLAST, IGUS, MEPOL, MORETTO, ORCHESTRA, ITALIAN ROESLER and many others, who have chosen MECSPE to present innovative solutions in the green field and show their sustainable business model.
Now in its 18th year (Fiere di Parma, from 28 to 30 March 2019), MECSPE is an international exhibition dedicated to technology and innovation, and is a reference point for the manufacturing sector. The numbers for MECSPE 2018: 53,442 visitors, 110,000 sqm of exhibition floor space, 2,260 companies present, 12 themed halls, 34 demonstration units and processing islands, 5 squares of excellence, 58 conventions and workshops.
What’s more, the first edition of MECSPE Bari will be held from 28 to 30 November 2019 at the Nuova Fiera di Levante Exhibition Centre, with the goal of becoming the reference event for central and southern Italy and the Mediterranean basin, for the development of innovation and 4.0 themes.
MECSPE Exhibitions
Machines and Tools – machine tools, tools and equipment; Digital Factory – information technologies for intelligent factory management; Motek Italy – factory automation; Power Drive – Systems – Parts – Mechatronics; Control Italy – metrology and quality control; Logistics – systems for logistic management, machines and equipment; Mechanical Subcontracting – subcontracting of industrial processing; Electronic Subcontracting – design, electronic processing, parts and accessories; Eurostampi, Machines and plastic, rubber and composite subcontracting – moulds and moulding; the processing of plastic materials from rubber and composites; Additive Manufacturing – rapid prototyping and 3D printing; Processing and Finishing – machines and installations for processing and finishing of surfaces; Non-ferrous materials and alloys – aluminium, titanium, magnesium, light alloys.
The 2018/2019 event calendar for “MECSPE WORKSHOPS FOR DIGITAL MANUFACTURING, The Italian approach to Industry 4.0”
Senaf’s touring events were created with the aim of touching down on strategic territories which are looking to embrace the national plan for 4.0 Industry. The next event is coming to Brescia on 21st September, followed by Turin on 29th October, with respective focus on“General Mechanics” and “Automotive”, followed by Catania, 4th December, dedicated to ’“Electronics” and Bologna on 8th February, on “Iot and AI”. Like every year, the roadmap ends in March during the traditional event held at MECSPE itself (Fiere di Parma, 28-30 March 2019).
For further information
Paola Gianderico – Annalisa Di Gilio
mobile_ 331-7623732
landline: 02-54123452; fax: 02-54090230