Simulation Summit

For the various players involved in a product development and innovation process, Engineering Simulation is a valid and today indispensable ally for overcoming daily challenges effectively and in less time.

With contents and presentations of a pragmatic-applicative nature and the aim of sharing user experiences in a transparent and independent manner, the SIMULATION SUMMIT is the first independent Italian conference on CAE Simulation in industry, created with the aim of promoting Engineering Simulation and its conscious and effective use.

The SIMULATION SUMMIT is aimed at …

– current or future users of CAE Simulation tools

– designers, engineers, analysts and technical directors of manufacturing companies

– C-level, entrepreneurs and directors of manufacturing companies that produce innovation

– students and enthusiasts of design, simulation and digital technologies

– CAE simulation market players

Through the sharing of industrial application cases, good practices and the presentation, with a technical-application approach, of new technologies and new Simulation products, the SIMULATION SUMMIT stands as an impartial event and a new point of reference for the Engineering Simulation sector, an opportunity for comparison on best-practices, new application horizons and future challenges for its widespread, correct and conscious use.

Within each session there will be a keynote, industry presentations and technical talks. The focus of this edition, and therefore a transversal theme common to the two sessions, is on the technical and economic benefits of introducing CAE simulation within the product development cycle, explored in depth thanks to the sharing of industrial experiences and application cases by participants.

Comitato Organizzatore:




The CALL is aimed at users of CAE technologies in industry, consulting and/or research who wish to share their application experience of using Simulation in their work.

Contributions and topics of interest

– application cases and best practices

– technical and economic advantages

– testimonies of profitable use

– engineering problems and the different levels of detail possible through simulation

– break-down and/or bottom-up approach in simulations

– numerical-experimental approach

– numerical-analytical approach

– the main difficulties in simulation processes

– obstacles to the adoption of simulation

– democratisation and technology transfer

– simulation only for analysts or also usable by designers?

– advantages and dangers of simulation and simplified simulation tools

– routine applications and new frontiers of application

– new technologies, new tools and artificial intelligence

– multi-physics simulation and multi-scale simulation

– product, material and process simulation

– digital-twin

– commercial and open-source software

Want to attend the Simulation Summit?

If you work for a manufacturing company and make use of simulation to develop products and/or processes or you are a researcher who uses simulation in your research and/or does research on simulation topics

Attend as a speaker

Partecipate as a spectator

If you are a CAE practitioner, software house or reseller, if you are a consultant or consultancy company and offer CAE services or use it to offer a better service to your customers

Attend as a speaker

Participate as exhibitor/sponsor